Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20, 2007

Here we are getting close to Thanksgiving. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. I still don't know what we are doing for dinner on Thursday. Yesterday Bill said he wasn't working and today it looks like he will be so we are going to play it by ear. I know Bill's mom really wants us to come like we do most years, but if Bill is working, I will make dinner so he can have some dinner before he has to leave.
I have to get going on Christmas plans. this time last year I was done shopping and here we are, Thanksgiving week and I only have a few gifts purchased. I need to make my lists so I can get it done. It will be a lot of online shopping again this year because I don't want to deal with the holiday traffic at the mall.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My weekend

It has been a pretty quiet weekend for us. bill started on night shift and will be working straight through till the middle of December. He should be finished sometime around the time Lexy will be coming home from Florida.
I spent part of Saturday woking on Christmas cards. I am making cards to sell at a craft show next weekend. I need to earn some money for my upcoming trip to Madagascar. I hope I do well with this craft fair. I have also made some stamped Welcome signs and will make some chocolate covered pretzels, cookies and some other home made goodies.