Thursday, July 31, 2008

Check out Chrissy D's blog

Check out Chris Dickinson's blog. She has some awesome blog candy she will be giving away. Plus she has some great stamp ideas, very talented and creative.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Finally stamping again

It has been awhile but I have been stamping. I have made some birthday cards, a new house card and I am working on thank you cards for Bill.

Everyone that knows Bill knows he loves coffee. In fact he got coffee and coffee shop gift cards for birthday gifts. So I thought this cards would be perfect. It feels good to be creative again.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bill's birthday album

I made a slideshow of the digital album I made for Bill. Hope you enjoy it.

Bill's birthday

Well, we had a surprise birthday party for Bill on Father's day. Bill and I had spent the whole week before in Kansas City for a class he was taking for work. I got to meet Sherry (hi sherry) and spent a few days with her and Tyler. Meanwhile, while I had time in the hotel, I worked on a digital scrapbook for him. He like it and really appreciated it.

Now I am getting Lexy ready to leave for college next month. She will be heading to Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, Pa. She is excited and this will be a new chapter in her life as well as ours. Both she and Joe are now driving (our car insurance went up by almost $2000/year). Now for Joe to find a job or go to school.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Warm weather

Finally the weather is warm. I wasn't sure if we were going to go right from winter to summer. I better get ready because the weather is supposed to be hot in Kansas City next week. I am excited, Bill and I leave June 7 and come back June 14th, no kids. I know he has to be in classes every day, but it will be nice to just be the two of us.

I haven't done much in the way of stamping for awhile, I am going to be making some baby announcements for Bill's cousin. I have been working on some digital albums and will try to make one while I am away of Bill to use at his surprise 40th birthday party.

I have benn working on an album for my sister for her birthday. This is my niece Mikayla. She is now 6 1/2 but these photos were taken when she was in a body cast. She spent many months in a cast to fix a hip joint that was formed wrong. She is fine now, all better, but those days were not fun.