Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Warm weather

Finally the weather is warm. I wasn't sure if we were going to go right from winter to summer. I better get ready because the weather is supposed to be hot in Kansas City next week. I am excited, Bill and I leave June 7 and come back June 14th, no kids. I know he has to be in classes every day, but it will be nice to just be the two of us.

I haven't done much in the way of stamping for awhile, I am going to be making some baby announcements for Bill's cousin. I have been working on some digital albums and will try to make one while I am away of Bill to use at his surprise 40th birthday party.

I have benn working on an album for my sister for her birthday. This is my niece Mikayla. She is now 6 1/2 but these photos were taken when she was in a body cast. She spent many months in a cast to fix a hip joint that was formed wrong. She is fine now, all better, but those days were not fun.