Friday, February 19, 2010

New Year, new me????

Well, here we are in February already, time really flies. I need to get back into my exercise routine. In the last 2 years I have lost 40 pounds but I really want to lose the rest of the weight I need to lose. With my work schedule right now, I find it difficult to find the time. I need to make the time to hit the eliptical every day and find my way to the Total Gym a few times/week. I can't wait for spring so I can get back to walking in the park.

This is the month I like least in the whole year. It has 2 "holiday" and I just want the month to be over. After spending so many years trying to make all the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc... special and finally realizing that they are only importan to me, I just don't care about them anymore. I had to make myself buy a Valentine Card this year. When Christmas rolled around I didn't even want to buy gifts for anyone. I don't think this is a good way to be, but I guess I just want someone else to realize that these days are important. I did get a card and flowers for Valentine's day, but in my mind it is too little too late. After no one remembered it was my 40th birthday last year, I just kind of gave up and all the special days.