Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our new life

Well, it was a long time coming but we are finally headed down a path that will lead us to a much better life. We are doing the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University and we finally have a written budget, though the numbers aren't exactly nice to look at. My goal is to be debt free (other then the house) by 12-12-12. No more credit cards, car loans, Bike loans, etc..... If we don't have cash, we don't buy it. It is really freeing. In the long run, I see the numbers and I can't wait for the day when the paychecks come in and the only bills that have to get paid every month are utilities and the house for a few more years. What a relieft it will be. If work tells Bill to take a few weeks off again, oh well, we can go away because there are no bills to worry about. I can't wait!