Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Goodbye summer

Well, not exactly goodbye, but I won't be out enjoying it as much as I have been. For those that know me, I don't mind the summer. I hate cold weather which is kind of weird since I collect snowmen, I just don't want to be anywhere I can make one.

I started back to work yesterday. I only had to be at the office but it is back. Tonight I head up to Jersey City to meet up with Bill who is already there. I have to go for site orientation at 7 tomorrow morning. I will work all day and then head back home Thursday morning, take Lexy to work Thursday afternoon. On Sunday night Bill and I will "move" to Jersey City for the next 4 months. This job is supposed to run through November 19th so if all goes according to plan I may actually finish the job and be able to enjoy the holidays, with a little money of course.

I am looking forward to the adventure. I have never really lived in a city before but I figure I will get tired of it pretty quickly. I love my job though so if that is where they need me that is where I will go.