Thursday, November 11, 2010

So much has changed

Ok, so I haven't been good about updating my blog, not that anyone reads it. The last time I wrote was as I was starting this job in Jersey City and now here it is November and the job is finally wrapping up. It turned out that Bill was sent to the same job so we have at least been together though work has been our life since we got here.

We had a long weekend for Labor day and little did we know how long the weekend would turn out to be. We went home Thursday night and were planning on heading back Monday night for the start of the outage on Tuesday. We were working around the house all day Sunday and got a call in the early evening from Bill's aunt saying Bill's mom had collapsed at the hospital and was in the emergency room. She said she was unresponsive but that she was breathing. See, his grandmother was in the hospital recovering from quadruple by-pass and had taken a turn for the worse. Well, Bill left right away to get to the hospital and I was asked to intercept his sister so his dad could head right over there after church. I picked Kim up and she and I took a ride to pick Lexy up from my mom's. I got a call from Bill around 10:30pm saying they were taking his mom to the cath lab for more tests but that they didn't know much yet. Lexy, Kim and I headed back to my house before taking her home and I will never forget the phone call from Bill. He called just as we were getting to our house and as I answered I said hi and he paused for a few seconds and sniffed and said she didn't make it. Now you have to remember his grandmother wasn't expected to last the night. So I said Nanny died and he said No, mom is gone. Just like that our life changed forever. We found out she had an aortic aneurysm and was gone before they even got her to the emergency room from the hospital parking where she had been making phone calls. We spent the week with my father in law getting things arranged for a funeral I never expected to plan. I went to the florist and ordered flowers for a funeral for a woman that meant the world to me. She was the kind of mother in law you want you kids to have. I was no different to her than her kids, I was always introduced as her daughter. The funeral was so hard. there were more than 250 people that came.
Life has gone on but will never be the same. There is a whole in our lives that we are still trying to live with. Once we go home for good, it will all sink in. We have been home for weekends here and there. I went home one weekend to find the Longaberger basket I had ordered for her for Christmas was delivered.

So where does that leave us? I'm not sure. This woman was the most Godly woman I knew. She was an example of what a wife, mother and grandmother should be.