Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Training begins

It's been a rough year.  I recovered from my foot surgery and was all ready to begin my new journey.  Bill and I got a call that sent us to Florida for 5 months for work.  Sounded like a good place to train.  We did great for the first month.  Than the outage schedule started - 6 days/ week - 13 hour shifts on nights.  Doesn't leave much time for anything other than sleep.  We got home the last week of June and I had a few weeks off - back to walking to build a little endurance.  I was doing really well - walking 3.5 miles/ day.  Than I started back to work.  This time working 6-7 days/ week.  Only 11 hours shifts but the job was 1 1/2 hours from home.  There aren't many places to walk in an oil refinery so any momentum I gained was lost.  Finally finished the job on Friday and Bill and started walking again.  Today we started the Princess 1/2 training program.  We did our walk/run today and will continue with the program till race day.  Some days I think I was nuts to set this goal, especially when I get pain in my feet where I had the surgery but I have spent the last 10 years getting fat and lazy - it's time for a new me.  Time to get healthy so Bill and I can enjoy all the things we love.