Thursday, July 30, 2009


Well, it is here, vacation. Bill and I will be leaving in the morning for a few days in Florida. Just the 2 of us. I can't help but feel al ittle guilty, it is the first vacation we have taken without the kids. Bill told me I will get over it.

I have been working the last 2 weeks which is nice, a little spending money for the trip. I was also told I will probably work most of August at the Sun Philly refinery for a shut down. It will be nice overtime for a few weeks, maybe I can get some of my Christmas shopping done.

I have been praying about my job for months. I have struggled with the fact that twice they have overlooked me for the full time position and hired the girls whose father's are "someone". Well, after last week at the one site, God gave me peace about the situation. I don't understand why it is the way it is, but it is the way He wants it. He let me see that I wouldn't be happy in that position with the current conditions, things would have to change. He also had people come up to me (the superintendents and others) and tell me that they would really like me to have that job. Made me feel good. I can't say that I have totally let it go, but I do know that I feel good about the situation right now. The Lord wants me to work in the capacity I currently have and that is fine.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Great site for die cuts!
Check out this site. I love the die cuts card kits and boxes. So many ideas for gifts and favors!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Another week

Well, here is is the second week in July already. Bill is working nights for a few days, what else is new. Eddystone is down and he will be working for a few nights. He is hoping to get a few forced outages in before we leave for Florida in a few weeks.

I need to find something to do with my life. My dream would be to open a baker/coffee shop but unless I win a fortune it isn't going to happen. Maybe there is a way to get a full time job I like (though I really do like my current job, just not enough hours) that would be something I would love just as much.

I need to get some stamping done this week. I want to clean out my stamp sets and get rid of the ones I don't use and get rid of all the supplies I don't use. Maybe I can get some scrapbook pages done from our cruise. I have some done, but need to get them finished.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

It is the 4th of July today. For us is a big day. Our family is very patriotic and this is an important day to reflect on the freedom we have in this country.

Bill and I took a nice ride. It was a great time to just hang out and be together. As we move into this new time in our life, just the two of us, it is great taht we have something we can do together.

Going to head out soon with the kids. We are going to the Lancaster Barnstormers tonight and will see fireworks after the game. Just a good way to spend time with the family.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer is going by quickly

I can't believe it is already July. Where did June go, it went by so fast. I am hoping for a nice family weekend but I am counting on something breaking and Bill having to work, that seems to be the norm.
I am getting excited for our vacation at the end of the month. I still feel a little guilty about going away without the kids, but it will be good for us to have some time together, just the 2 of us. I am still getting used to having older kids and being able to have some freedom. I know the "empty nest" is coming for us, but some days I think it will be lonely and other I am ready to move them out now. I guess it is just a weird time in my life.