Thursday, June 3, 2010

Don't understand

Ok, so I will admit it, I don't understand male thinking. We were supposed to go away to Myrtle Beach for a few days. We were going to leave early Tuesday morning and come back Thursday or Friday. We were also planning on taking one of the bikes. Monday night we were talking and planning out route. What I had thought was going to be a 10 hour drive turned out to be 14-16. My comment was it didn't sound appealing but I packed my bag and took 4 motrin to prepare for the ride only to have my other half decide the weather didn't look too good. Ok, so I say we could drive, it would cost a little more in gas but we would get there sooner. I ws told if we couldn't go by bike we weren't going. I guess cars can't drive to SC????? I still don't know why we couldn't drive. We were going away to spend time together and visit my parents on vacation down there. Is going away with me only bearable if we take a bike? I guess I will just never understand.

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