Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Training begins

It's been a rough year.  I recovered from my foot surgery and was all ready to begin my new journey.  Bill and I got a call that sent us to Florida for 5 months for work.  Sounded like a good place to train.  We did great for the first month.  Than the outage schedule started - 6 days/ week - 13 hour shifts on nights.  Doesn't leave much time for anything other than sleep.  We got home the last week of June and I had a few weeks off - back to walking to build a little endurance.  I was doing really well - walking 3.5 miles/ day.  Than I started back to work.  This time working 6-7 days/ week.  Only 11 hours shifts but the job was 1 1/2 hours from home.  There aren't many places to walk in an oil refinery so any momentum I gained was lost.  Finally finished the job on Friday and Bill and started walking again.  Today we started the Princess 1/2 training program.  We did our walk/run today and will continue with the program till race day.  Some days I think I was nuts to set this goal, especially when I get pain in my feet where I had the surgery but I have spent the last 10 years getting fat and lazy - it's time for a new me.  Time to get healthy so Bill and I can enjoy all the things we love.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A snowy weekend here in PA.  I spent the time reading some blogs.  So many women runners out there.  So much motivation for me.  I so want to change not only the way I look but the way I feel.  Another few weeks and i can start the training program.  A little walking and a little running - working up to being able to run the Princess 1/2 marathon Feb. 2013.  I am so excited for the journey to start.

My feet are mostly healed.  The doctor said I had to wait till 8 weeks after surgery to start running but I can use the elliptical which I have done.  I used it a little every day last week.  Right now I'm not trying to do any major workouts with it, just trying to get the feet moving the way they are supposed to move and get them used to walking again.  Feb 14 will be 8 weeks post-op which means my first day out and walking/running.  I know this training will kick my butt but the results in the end will be great.  What better way to celebrate 25 years with my wonderful husband, but with a new me - physically, mentally and emotionally.  Let the training begin, well not till the 14th.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Many things have changed and happened in te previous months.  We spent a week in St. Thomas and loved every minute of it.  I could see me living on an island with a lovely umbrella drink in my hand.

I have been having problems with my feet for a few years.  If I walk too much or stand for too long my feet would hurt.  Finally, after spending time in Florida and then time in St. Thomas the pain from walking on the beach was too much.  I had a lot of pain just walking on the beach.  I wanted my life back.  It hurt to take my evening walk with Bill, walking on the beach and riding the motorcyle - no matter if I was riding with Bill or riding my own.  Time to do something about it.

I went to see a podiatrist.  She took some x-rays and told me the bad news.  I had arthritis in both big toes with the left foot being worse.  I had bone spurs, bone fragments and a lot of inflammation.  The bone was too long causing the joint to deteriorate over time.  She gave me 3 options.  The least invasive was to take an anti-inflammatory drug and get orthotics,  or I could have surgery to fix and clean out the joint or the most invasive was joint replacement.  Well, toe joint replacement just sounded to funny.  Drugs and shoe inserts just wasn't going to fix the problem of not being able to walk on the beach.  So, I decided to have surgery.  It is now 1 month post surgery and I have been pleasantly surprised.  I went into this expecting a lot of pain and a long recovery. 

The surgery went smoothly and the initial recovery was good.  Very little pain, mostly just discomfort.   Now that I was given the ok to start walking normally again and get back to my normal routine, the joints get stiff but still not much pain.  I can walk, use the elliptical or even ride a bike, but no running which leads me to my goal.

I decided to make a goal for myself to get into shape and be healthy.  It will be a way to get my feet back to a normal function and live a healthier life.  I have decided to run the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon in Feb 2013.  Now, I am not a runner, the last time I ran was in high school.  But the time has come.  Family medical history says the time has come to do something about my weight.  This seemed like a good goal.  I've been reading about it for a few months now and I have read some running books and I think I am ready to get into this.  The only drawback is I can't start running till 8 weeks post-op.  So another 4 weeks to start working on my goal.