Monday, January 23, 2012

A snowy weekend here in PA.  I spent the time reading some blogs.  So many women runners out there.  So much motivation for me.  I so want to change not only the way I look but the way I feel.  Another few weeks and i can start the training program.  A little walking and a little running - working up to being able to run the Princess 1/2 marathon Feb. 2013.  I am so excited for the journey to start.

My feet are mostly healed.  The doctor said I had to wait till 8 weeks after surgery to start running but I can use the elliptical which I have done.  I used it a little every day last week.  Right now I'm not trying to do any major workouts with it, just trying to get the feet moving the way they are supposed to move and get them used to walking again.  Feb 14 will be 8 weeks post-op which means my first day out and walking/running.  I know this training will kick my butt but the results in the end will be great.  What better way to celebrate 25 years with my wonderful husband, but with a new me - physically, mentally and emotionally.  Let the training begin, well not till the 14th.

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